Archive for July, 2012

Facebook Activity Log – How to

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Recently I lost when I was unable to delete some post from my timeline and then I found that our activity log on our timeline serves many purposes.

You can use it to quickly hide old statuses you have made in the past, or delete them, you can also use it to Unhide statuses that you had previously hidden.
In addition, it shows you comments that you have made on other peoples’ stories/statuses/pictures and will allow you to delete those too, all in one convenient place.

To get there, go to your Timeline, and click on Activity Log.

That will open the activity log, and then you can scroll down to where that story is (or use the date links at the bottom) to find the post/story you want to hide or unhide. Look at the icons in the far right to see which ones are hidden and which ones are visible.

You can then click on the little circle/crossed out circle to select if you want it hidden or not.

If you “Feature” a story, it will take the full width of your timeline, so as to draw attention to that item. Think of it like “this one is important”.


Telnet – POP Commands (retrieving mail using telnet)

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In order to access your mailbox you will need 4 things:

  • An active internet connection
  • The address of your pop mail server (e.g. mail.domain.ext)
  • Your username (e.g. UserName/Email Address normally)
  • Your password (e.g. Password)

The first thing to do is to open a connection from your computer to your mail server.

telnet mail.domain.ext 110

You should receive a reply like:

Trying ???.???.???.???...
Connected to mail.domain.ext.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK ready

Then log in:

USER userName

This should give you:

+OK Password required for userName.

Now give your password:

PASS passW0rd

Should yeild:

+OK userName has ? visible messages (? hidden) in ????? octets.

To see a list of your emails awaiting collection use the


command, this will also show you the id number of your messages (e.g. 1 or 2 etc.)
To view the contents of an email type


+ the id number of the message (e.g


To delete a message use


+ the id number of the message (e.g


To leave your mailbox and close the connection use