Posts Tagged ‘Perl’

Code formating script

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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $ifile = shift;
my $blank = 0;
my $indent = 2;
open(IFILE, "$ifile") or die "Cannot open $ifile\n";
while(my $line = ) {
  if($line =~ /^\s*else/i
     or $line =~ /^\s*end/i
    ) {  #reduce indent before xxx
    $blank = $blank - 2;
  if($blank > 0) {
    print " " x $blank;  #print several blanks
    print "$line";
  } else {
    print "$line";
    $blank = 0;
  if($line =~ /^\s*if/i
     or $line =~ /^\s*else/i
     or $line =~ /^\s*loop/i
    ) {  #increase indent after xxx
    $blank = $blank + 2;

Simple Construction of a RAW TCP/IP Packet

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use Socket;

$src_host = $ARGV[0]; # The source IP/Hostname
$src_port = $ARGV[1]; # The Source Port
$dst_host = $ARGV[2]; # The Destination IP/Hostname
$dst_port = $ARGV[3]; # The Destination Port.

 if(!defined $src_host or !defined $src_port or !defined $dst_host or !defined $dst_port) {
   print "Usage: $0 <source host> <source port> <dest host> <dest port>\n";
 else {
sub main {
 my $src_host = (gethostbyname($src_host))[4];
 my $dst_host = (gethostbyname($dst_host))[4];

 socket(RAW, AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 255) || die $!;
 setsockopt(RAW, 0, 1, 1);
 my ($packet) = makeheaders($src_host, $src_port, $dst_host, $dst_port);
 my ($destination) = pack('Sna4x8', AF_INET, $dst_port, $dst_host);

sub makeheaders {
 local($src_host,$src_port,$dst_host,$dst_port) = @_;
 my $zero_cksum = 0;
 # Lets construct the TCP half
 my $tcp_proto          = 6;
 my ($tcp_len)          = 20;
 my $syn                = 13456;
 my $ack                = 0;
 my $tcp_headerlen      = "5";
 my $tcp_reserved       = 0;
 my $tcp_head_reserved  = $tcp_headerlen .
 my $tcp_urg            = 0; # Flag bits
 my $tcp_ack            = 0; # eh no
 my $tcp_psh            = 0; # eh no
 my $tcp_rst            = 0; # eh no
 my $tcp_syn            = 1; # yeah lets make a connexion! :)
 my $tcp_fin            = 0;
 my $null               = 0;
 my $tcp_win            = 124;
 my $tcp_urg_ptr        = 0;
 my $tcp_all            = $null . $null .
                          $tcp_urg . $tcp_ack .
                          $tcp_psh . $tcp_rst .
                          $tcp_syn . $tcp_fin ;

 # In order to calculate the TCP checksum we have
 # to create a fake tcp header, hence why we did
 # all this stuff :) Stevens called it psuedo headers :)

 my ($tcp_pseudo) = pack('a4a4CCnnnNNH2B8nvn',

 my ($tcp_checksum) = &checksum($tcp_pseudo);

 # Now lets construct the IP packet
 my $ip_ver             = 4;
 my $ip_len             = 5;
 my $ip_ver_len         = $ip_ver . $ip_len;
 my $ip_tos             = 00;
 my ($ip_tot_len)       = $tcp_len + 20;
 my $ip_frag_id         = 19245;
 my $ip_frag_flag       = "010";
 my $ip_frag_oset       = "0000000000000";
 my $ip_fl_fr           = $ip_frag_flag . $ip_frag_oset;
 my $ip_ttl             = 30;

 # Lets pack this baby and ship it on out!
 my ($pkt) = pack('H2H2nnB16C2na4a4nnNNH2B8nvn',

 return $pkt;

sub checksum {
 # This of course is a blatent rip from _the_ GOD,
 # W. Richard Stevens.
 my ($msg) = @_;
 my ($len_msg,$num_short,$short,$chk);
 $len_msg = length($msg);
 $num_short = $len_msg / 2;
 $chk = 0;
 foreach $short (unpack("S$num_short", $msg)) {
  $chk += $short;
 $chk += unpack("C", substr($msg, $len_msg - 1, 1)) if $len_msg % 2;
 $chk = ($chk >> 16) + ($chk & 0xffff);
 return(~(($chk >> 16) + $chk) & 0xffff);